ESTHER Homes comes alongside pregnant women experiencing crisis by providing housing and resources within a community of support.



We believe that caring, dependable relationships—having a team of people in your corner—is the way forward for family stability. Pregnant women facing homelessness or crisis need their community to SHOW UP. Live-in staff and volunteers give practical support, advocate for mothers’ goals and dreams, offer encouragement when life feels overwhelming, and celebrate strengths and milestones. 

We are a people compelled by a love without agenda, because God first loved us! Jesus, the one who chose not to give up on us, came to us. He continues to meet us where we are at and strengthens us where we are. He gives hope in all circumstances. We want to display His love to each mama that comes into the home—a love that will stand with her, a love that says she has a voice in her journey, a love that meets her in the mess and victories of life and says she is capable, valuable and worth it all. 


Young women who become pregnant or give birth have an increased risk of homelessness and housing instability up until their child is 2 years old*

Women experiencing homelessness have more pronounced feelings of isolation and depression*

Pregnant women who are homeless are less likely to receive early and consistent prenatal care, in part due to transportation issues*


This we know:

A passion for and commitment to supporting mothers has a multigenerational impact. Caring for the wellbeing of mothers, babies and children supports whole families. Pregnancy and birth is a vulnerable time, especially when housing is uncertain. And we see this impact first-hand with those we serve: 

  • 90% of families served either aged out or were a part of foster care at some point in their lives. 

  • 6% of our families were kicked out of their current living situations due to the pregnancy

  • 2% of our families were evicted from their current living situations

  • 2% of our families were homeless

100% of the families we’ve served were housing-unstable upon the date of move-in. To date, 92% of our alumni families have their own apartments and are housing-stable, and the other 8% are housing-stable while sharing costs with family members. 



  • Create more homes in the community so that families can build a network of support

  • Partner further with the MN Department of Health to combat the statistical birth outcomes in Ramsey County

  • Partner with churches & programs at a relational level, furthering our Twin Cities’ network

  • Become an equipping center for community members and pregnant women who are not housed in the home, and model for other start-up maternity homes

  • Complete the full renovation of our St. Paul location by Spring 2023

  • Build in new revenue streams to create new programs and hire staff

  • Continue to build relationships with the colleges for future internship opportunities 

  • Expand our Board Leadership to continue to further the vision on ESTHER Homes


*Whitney, G. and Basloe, M. (2018). Developmental consequences of homelessness for young parents and their children. ZERO TO THREE Journal, 39(4), pp 60–66.